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Stranger Things: Season 3 - TV Show Review

Sannat Odhrani

Stranger Things… Love it, or hate it, the show had managed to capture the world by storm when Season 1 first aired in July 15th, 2016; since becoming a household show, even for those who have just heard its name. With Season 4 of the show having resumed its filming, which was recently delayed due to the pandemic, it seems only fair to review the latest season of Stranger Things.

As someone who enjoyed Season 1 and 2 immensely, it was jarring but also exhilerating to watch Season 3. A lot of this is down to how much the characters have changed in terms of their personality; some have critiqued the show because of this, but I digress with this opinion. Even though the characters did change in Season 3, it is applaudable how the Duffer Brothers were able to weave together ominous moments with lighthearted scenes involving many of our beloved characters. Some characters include Mike, Eleven, Will, and Lucas, as well as characters that were newly introduced like as Robin, Steve Harrington’s sarcastic co-worker at Starcourt Mall’s ice cream parlor, and Alexei who has grown into becoming an integral part of the Stranger Things franchise.

While the show effortlessly manages to touch upon relevant themes such as the retail apocalypse, with the introduction of a new mall causing smaller shops to lose business. how friends are often slowly pushed apart during adolescence is also explored, while the show simultaneously manages to engage younger viewers from a different time period, while maybe possibly causing older viewers to shed a tear in remembering a time long gone; you never know, and a case in point would be the references to America’s rivalry with the Soviet Union, which does play a key role in the storyline of the season.

In terms of the layout of the story, again, the shows writers join lighthearted moments with dark scenes and sinister warnings, capable of rooting the weak-kneed to their seats, in the best way possible ofcourse! However, like any multilayered storyline, for viewers rewatching the season it can sometimes be mildly infuriating and bemusing when a scene cuts away from the action at the height of its suspense; this does however keep first time viewers itching with suspense.

In true Stranger Things fashion, the show often begins with some subplots that couldn’t seem more irrelevant if they tried, but in due course, it is always jaw-dropping to see how these subplots slowly but surely layer to form a single connected concern that the characters must face.

This show manages to successfully bring depth to each of its characters and truly makes you empathize with them, through both their highs and lows. As a result, character development and captivating cinematography takes up a large portion of the shows run time, especially in the finales which are highly enjoyable to watch.

Still, it would be unfair to assume that Stranger Things is perfect in every way, although I would like to believe that is the case. Some of the tropes that I feel are over done in Stranger Things would be how Eleven always turns up to save the day, characters reuniting in a battle scene in the finale, a handful of characters dying at the hands of an already introduced supernatural being, Eleven’s makeover scenes, Dungeons and Dragons, and finally, a cherished character dying, causing you immense sadness (Just give me a moment, the show had me go through a lot).

In conclusion, I highly recommend you watch Stranger Things: Season 3 (as well as Season 1 & 2, so you can better understand Season 3). If you are looking for a Netflix show that is a long term commitment, this show currently has 25 episodes, each over an hour long. It also consists of a large range of characters played by a highly talented cast, as well as a gripping, well-connected storyline over the 3 seasons, with a healthy dose of horror and gore to keep you gasping at the edge of your seat.

Happy watching!

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