Sannat Odhrani
It’s safe to assume that, with the current events that the world has faced, our lives have collectively taken unprecedented turns, and we have been plunged into a whirlpool of uncertainty during this time of crisis. Due to the current pandemic that has taken the world by surprise, we have been faced with a hectic, new and unforeseen situation of online learning, where each person was, at first, as clueless as the next. Not only that, but added to the necessary precautions and sometimes restraining rules that have been put in place for our wellbeing, it is highly feasible, if not certain, that the workload and the responsibility that has been placed on us could soon make us snap, if it hasn’t already.
Between juggling our personal and school life, it's also safe to assume that our mental health has definitely taken a backseat. Online news and a digital world is great, and is a way of establishing a thin air of normalcy in our daily lives, but often leads us to be faced with an overload of information and sometimes only adds to the tension that we may all be facing (and have faced) during this time period. In short, what are some ways that we can collectively remember self-care whilst the large majority of us, if not all of us, are undergoing lockdown?
It is also important to note that self-care ultimately comes down to a single factor: you. As a result, these ways to remember self-care are guidelines, and not a rule book, and are meant to inspire you, and help you find ways to take the time out to be with yourself, and really tune into your thoughts through a variety of activities. Having said that, below are various activities that you can carry out to practice self-care, during this time of stress.
Firstly, the most popular activity that you can carry out regarding self-care could be any form of exercise, such as home workouts you can find online, team sports such as football and basketball, if you have any siblings and a place to do so. Exercise is a really important activity which helps you both mentally, and physically, which should be considered an important priority whether inside, or out.
Another popular self-care activity would be meditation or completing mindfulness activities. Even though this may have been over suggested at times, there is no denying the benefits that can be gained by trying this out, since it can cause a person to be more focused, help them improve their concentration levels, and make them feel calm. It's safe to say meditation and mindfulness are considered the epitomes of self-care activities. As cliché as it may sound, there are multiple mental benefits to be gained by taking the time out to sit down with yourself, trying to grow your own plants, watching a new show, preferably at reasonable times, playing an instrument, or doing something out of the ordinary. Try it! These can have astounding results on how you feel.
Some other activities could include pursuing your hobbies in greater depth, such as cooking or baking, and trying out a new recipe, or talking to family and friends online that live around the world, or nearby, which is an increasing trend in our lives. You could even read a new book, try to pursue art-related activities, and learn a new language. You never know when speaking a different language can help you!
As for how we can actually remember to practice self-care in the lockdown, there are a few easy methods you can use to create a balance in your life and prevent yourself from losing your mind or feeling low. One of these ways would be to, after every lesson, go out of your seat and temporarily away from your device, to briefly stretch your muscles, walk around your room, or your house, and notice any stress you may feel in parts of your body. Discretion is advised however, since you still need to be mindful of being late to your next lesson! Another simple way that you can remember to help yourself during school hours would be to notice your posture and try and correct it as best as possible. Though it may not seem like much, considering we now rely almost solely on our computer screens to learn, small fixes can go a long way.
Regarding making time for the actual activities, a useful move would be to roughly plan out your day. Not to the point of micromanaging it, unless that’s really necessary, because we are all prone to changes in the day, but enough so you can keep a cool head through the day and remain goal-oriented. Also, reward yourself. You don’t need to reward yourself in especially large ways, just something small that can keep you motivated. Another way that you can remember self-care in lockdown would be by making time for what you love, and sorting out your priorities, which can help you feel more in control of your life right now. An overlooked aspect of ways that you can put yourself forward mentally, in this situation would be by staying away from electronic devices as much as possible before falling asleep, to prevent your sleep pattern from being altered, especially since sleep plays a large role in remaining calm, and stress-free, during the day.
Luckily for us, there are many ways that we can remember and carry out self-care in our lives right now. This is especially beneficial because the changes in our lives right now are quite sudden, so you can rest assured that if you need to, there’s always simple, clear and unique ways, right here that you can use to unwind, at any time throughout the day.